New journeys- no makeup challenge

Hey everyone!
I haven't written a blog post in 2 years! Haha. Honestly I just didn't know what to say. I didn't feel like myself for a very long time and I felt like I had lost my voice. I'm not 100% ready to take the steps I need in regaining that but I'm going to start here, with this. Over the past almost 2 years I took up at home Pilates and lost in total 57 pounds!! I've fluctuated a bit with that as I've been focusing on gaining muscle and well.. Not everyone's perfect haha (I'm super addicted to chocolate 😂). However, I'm mostly confident in my body as it's just not at the 'toned' I'd like it to be quite yet(:  so more exericise!!
I also got a kitty and he's sorta an ass haha but I love him so much. He has helped me deal with my depression and anxiety and as of now I'm depression free!!! I've been depressed my entire life and it's such a weight lifted off my shoulder. I know that it's still going to be a journey but I'm so proud of the fact that I can truly say I'm happy (:
In a self image kind of way though I've been very sad on one thing. My face. I used to have very soft skin and little to no acne. I literally loved my skin. Then one day, back in April 2016, I woke up with the worst skin I've ever had. Ever since then it's been an up and down battle.. Literally. I've tried absolutely everything-from daily routines, switching products with the right ingredients, masks, natural remedies, using argon oil instead of coconut oil, spf oil free lotions, exfoliating, spot treatments, eating healthy, lots and lots of water- you name it and I've probably tried it. Not only did I gain an excessive amount of acne but my skin also got really dry (probably from the season changes and new product changes) and then my makeup wouldn't sit on my face at all. It still won't really sit nicely. I've sorta lost all hope for my face ever being that smooth canvas I had before. So now, for myself and as a confidence experiement, I'm doing the no-makeup challenge. I'm not giving myself a set of days because
1. I'm going to wear makeup only for special occasions
2. I'm going to start off with a little bit at a time as I have social anxiety and i already want to be hidden.
I'm doing this to see if I can obtain my healthy skin again and as well to see if I can help combat some of my anxiety. Its going to be hard but I'm excited to take the next steps in my self-improvement. I'll keep it updated at the end of the experiment to show the before and after but down below are some pictures of my skin now. (and my kitty for those who haven't seen him yet 😊)
Have a nice day everyone!
Much love,
Tiana Hill


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