Final results - 30 day No Makeup Challenge

Hey friends,
I did the no makeup challenge for one month! I definitely see better results, although, I now know it's not my makeup or makeup brushes (or other random things) causing the acne and that I should probably be seeking medical help at this point. A little recap on my acne story: I always have had really soft "doll"-like skin. I mean I was a teenager so I definitely got acne but it cleared up around age 18 for the most part. Then back in April-ish I started getting acne again! I didn't change anything in my diet, my sleeping pattern, my face routine, etc. I just was getting bad acne. I tried introducing new products with good ingredients into my daily and nightly face routine but there was little improvement. I am happy to say though that with the 30 day no makeup challenge I have definitely seen improvements. So with no further delay, here's my experience with the 30 day no makeup challenge.
I started the challenge off with little confidence in myself. I dreaded it from the moment I decided to do it. The first day was going pretty smooth until someone asked me if I was okay and it completely shook me up. However, no one ever really said anything to me at all. As I continued with the challenge it got easier and easier to walk out the door and not feel like I looked like the Loch Ness Monster. People don't stop talking to you because you don't have makeup on and most importantly you don't stop being who you are when all that makeup is wiped off. I realized throughout this whole challenge that people judge you and treat you based on how you judge and carry yourself; so try to remember how beautiful you are with AND without makeup. (i mean obviously do whatever makes you the most comfortable but don't forget you're always you and that's what makes you beautiful). In the first couple weeks I didn't see immense changes in my skin except for the fact that it was a little softer. I also switched products halfway through so I still haven't got to see exactly what my new wash does as it's only been about a week with it. As well I got my period the last week of the challenge and that caused more break outs on my chin area but thats all! It definitely is working really fast though and I love the way my face is looking because of it. (it's a green tea natural exfoliating scrub for blackheads) . I have a face wash to help with acne and to smoothen the face, I have the blackhead one, tea tree oil, argan oil, a lotion with argan oil and aloe vera, and then as well one of those electric face wash tools with the removable head pieces (one for daily washing and one for exfoiliating). I love my routine as, after a long painful search,  I've finally found products that work the best with my skin. I truly wish I could afford better skin care products but for a cheap-ish price those products are the best so far!
Also I wore makeup a couple times throughout the month, only on special occasions- birthdays, events, and halloween. I'm really enjoying my skin and I hope it continues to get better. I'll show you the pictures from the start, middle, and end. I hope this encourages someone who has the same situation as me to look at better products, with natural ingredients, good for their skin type and to feel comfortable in their skin no matter what.
Much love,
Tiana Hill





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